Log4j1 update or replace activity
While GeoServer is not vulnerable to Log4J2 Log4Shell vulnerability, we would like to thank everyone who has reached out with offers of concern and assistance.
The Log4J 1.2 library used by GeoServer has a number of smaller vulnerabilities which we would like to address. While the GeoServer default configuration is not vulnerable it is time to upgrade or replace this library. If you are at all concerned, locate WEB-INF/lib/log4j-1.2.17.jar
and replace with our custom log4j-1.2.17.norce.jar, and restart GeoServer.
The GeoSever Project Steering Committee invites:
Proposals for updating or replacing the Log4J1 library used by GeoServer.
Successful proposals should consider changes required to GeoTools logging (which bridges from java utility logging to selected logging library), integration with GeoWebCache (uses apache-commons-logging to delegate to selected logging library), and GeoServer (which allows users to select different logging profiles without restarting the application).
Sponsors interested in funding this activity as a security concern.
Organizations running GeoServer in a cloud environment are also encouraged to fund this activity. The leading contenders (log4j2,logback,java util logging) provide better integration with cloud logging services than the log4j1 library presently used.
This is a time sensitive activity as we would like to select a good proposal and see the result implemented for the upcoming GeoServer 2.21-RC Release Candidate in March.
Thanks to activity sponsors for your support:
- opengeogroep.nl
- www.terrestris.de
- how2map.com
- www.geonovation.nl
- Add your name here via OSGeo GitHub Sponsorship (monthly donation), PayPal (one time donation), or OSGeo sponsorship (direct invoice).
For more information visit updating or replacing the Log4J1 wiki page.
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