GeoServer 2.24.5 release is now available with downloads (bin, war, windows), along with docs and extensions.

This is a maintenance release of GeoServer providing existing installations with minor updates and bug fixes. GeoServer 2.24.5 is made in conjunction with GeoTools 30.5, and GeoWebCache 1.24.5.

Thanks to Andrea Aime for making this release.

Release notes


  • GEOS-11336 security-keycloak: upgrade keycloak version
  • GEOS-11443 REST API does not take effect immediately due to 10 minute authentication cache
  • GEOS-11463 WMS vector dimension validation should query only one feature and only for dimension attribute
  • GEOS-11502 Permit resize on user/group/role palette textbox to allow for extra long role names


  • GEOS-11446 [INSPIRE] Incorrect behavior for unsupported languages
  • GEOS-11453 Failure to look-up default value of custom dimensions on vector layers
  • GEOS-11462 500 error thrown when double adding a user to a group via REST with JDBC user/group services
  • GEOS-11484 DirectRasterRenderer is not respecting advancedProjectionHandling and continuosMapWrapping format_options
  • GEOS-11493 Azure blob store may not get environment parameters from property file


  • GEOS-11464 Update Jackson 2 libs from 2.17.1 to 2.17.2

For the complete list see 2.24.5 release notes.

Community Updates

Community module development:

  • GEOS-11111 Open search for EO community module: STAC search page has wrong self link

Community modules are shared as source code to encourage collaboration. If a topic being explored is of interest to you, please contact the module developer to offer assistance.

About GeoServer 2.24 Series

Additional information on GeoServer 2.24 series:

Release notes: ( 2.24.5 | 2.24.4 | 2.24.3 | 2.24.2 | 2.24.1 | 2.24.0 | 2.24-RC )